Village d’Aubres

The origin of the name Aubres comes from the latin "arbor" or "arbre" (tree); besides, in Provencal patois the word "arbre" (tree) is pronounced exactly like the name of the village -aoubré-.


It is difficult to situate when the modern village of Aubres was born. Probably before the roman era since the Roman people let some specific remains behind them... they have all disappeared since then.
The old village is situated on a promontory and dates back to the Middle Ages. Abandoned by a large majority of the population during the 14th century, it has been renovated during the 50s and is now inhabited by many secondary properties.
The old village is accessible by a little path behind the City Hall (not secure).

A must see:
- the old perched village and its two amazing view spots on the valley of Eygues.


  • Historic patrimony
  • Town / Village


Individual tour

  • Unguided individual tours available permanently

Group tour

  • Unguided group tours available permanently
  • Guided group tours on request


Show itinerary