GR® de Pays: Around the Ventoux Massif – Circular hike to the summit of Mont Ventoux

A 4-day or 2-day hiking tour, depending on how athletic you are (approx. 6 miles per day or 12 miles per day).
A regional hiking path (GR® de Pays) around the top of this legendary massif, from its foothills with their Mediterranean feel, to the summit with its Alpine climate.


Setting out from Sault, this hike takes you from the steep-sided Toulourenc valley to the summit of Mont Ventoux (1 909 m), between Provence and the Alps. The Plateau d’Albion, a limestone plateau dotted with sinkholes, an aquifer between Mont Ventoux and Montagne de Lure, offers a gentle descent back to Sault. A colourful, aromatic hike!

Spoken languages

  • French

Labels and ranking

  • GR®


  • Pedestrian sports
  • Hiking itinerary


All year round.


Free access.


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